
About DevEase

DevEase is a collection of powerful tools crafted with ❤️ by Madhur Goyal, designed to make life easier for developers and IT professionals. If you find these tools helpful, don't forget to bookmark them and share them with others who might benefit.

Open-source and free under the MIT license, DevEase is here to stay— but hosting and domain costs do add up. If you'd like to support this project and help expand its range of tools, consider sponsoring here.

Tech Stack

  • Built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Headless UI.
  • Used Vercel for hosting and continuous deployment.
  • Used GitHub Actions for CI/CD.
  • Powered by various third-party open-source libraries (see the full list in the repository's package.json).

Got Feedback?

Missing a tool or found a bug?

  • Request a Feature: Suggest new tools you think would be helpful.
  • Report an Issue: Let us know if something's broken or not working as expected.

Head to the GitHub repository and share your ideas or bug reports in the Issues section.

🚀 DevEase: Your go-to toolkit for smoother development.